Ionic Foot Detox
Ionic foot bath technology is used to assist and pull out toxic heavy metals and negative ions through the soles of the feet, via the kidney meridian of the Chinese acupuncture system. The Ion Cleanse Detox Footbath, manufactured by the company A Major Difference, drains lymphatic toxins into a basin of water. Check out their website to learn more!
Ionic foot baths allow people to soak their feet in salt water through which low-voltage current is transmitted via an electrode assembly called an "array." These arrays produce positive and negative ions, which "resonates through the body" and stimulates cells to heal themselves while releasing toxins.
+ Detox of heavy metals
+ Used for Autistic children as a simple, effective and non invasive detox
+ Purify the Lymph Nodes
+ Balanced pH level
+ Reducing Inflammation
+ Internal Cleansing
+ Enhance immune system
SESSION: $30/30 min.
Packages: 6 sessions/ $150